Monday, April 27, 2009

Thanks, Vodafone

As if my life didn't need to be any more complicated by technical difficulties.

Since sometime yesterday, I've been seeing a high level of packet loss on my internet connection, especially on slow sites.

It has been frustrating the heck out of me. First I thought it was the computer, then my wireless router, then my modem, the internet itself.

Turns out I could have saved myself some grief by going over to the Vodafone support forums....

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Wonderful timing, ain't it? Makes my life so much easier.

At least they are working on it >_<

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Computers, Hard Drives, and Clicks


I have owned my computer for less than 6 months.

3 days ago, due to a sudden power failure, my harddrive quite suddenly developed a number of bad sectors right in the middle of registry country, probably caused by the head of the drive crashing and proceeding to BOUNCE before coming to a halt.

After two days of HDD diagnostics and failed attempts to restore my computer back to its previous state, I gave up, loaded up a Linux LiveCD and copied all my data off before reformatting my HDD and reinstalled windows.

Now, the computer is quite slow over one part of the bootup process - probably re-reading data that is difficult to read from bad sectors. This is fine and manageable, and given time I could work around it.

However, sometime in the last half hour, the damned drive has started clicking. Faint clicks, at irregular intervals, but they are there, and they weren't before.

Hard drive clicks might not mean much to alot of you, especially given that some older drives used to make horrendous sounds while they were running.

But to me, as a semi-professional IT type, a click is a mechanical failure, which means the drive is dieing. And probably not slowly.

Usually, this would certainly be covered by warranty. On modern drives, power failure should not cause head crashes.

However, the company that sold me this computer, a web-based outfit called c1com, have done a runner. They just picked up and left, leaving pending orders, repair jobs and, yeah, warranties in their wake.

I can't afford a new Hard Drive right now. I just don't have the cash. C1 aren't around to honour my warranty. And the laptop I am currently using to write this post leaves with my mother in a weeks time.

TL;DR - I'm fucked.

I'm Greg, and, well, you may have heard the last of me for a while >_<

Monday, April 20, 2009

Learning to face problems

Okay, one thing that pisses me off - people who run from, whine about or otherwise evade their issues.

Of course, everyone is guilty of this - everyone procrastinates to avoid a difficult or annoying task, everyone will occasionally whine about some issue they are having with their life, and every has had issues they have at one point seen as insurmountable.

That is perfectly okay - all of these things are a part of the human condition, a part of being self-aware and sentient.

But there are some people who take this way too far. And it pisses me the fuck off.

Running from problems doesn't solve them - it instead allows them to sit, to rot, to fester until one day it'll come back in one sickening rush.

Whining achieves nothing. It may make some people aware of your issues (which is not a particularly good thing in itself) and gather you some sympathy, but ultimately, nothing will change. Your problem will still be there, making a mess of your life.

If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten.

If you have a problem, fight to change it. By this I don't mean a physical punchup - fight your own weakness and stand up and do something. Even if you cannot see how doing anything will help, do it anyway. No problem is a wall so insurmountable that won't begin the crack and crumble if enough pressure is applied.

I used to be one of the people I am currently ranting about. When it came to important things, I was paralyzed, unable to act for the fear of making it worse. It took me a number of years, but eventually I realized that doing nothing is pointless - even when it got worse, nobody could say I hadn't tried, nobody could say that I hadn't stood up and fought to get the ending that I wanted. So I stand, and I fight, and it's worked out pretty well so far.

So take a chance. Get off your stupid, whiny, self-defeating ass and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Because until you do, nothing will change.

I'm Creature124, and you haven't heard the last of me yet.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

What is love?

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more~

Groovy music~

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I just accidentally...


You just lost it.


Your puny watchdog is no match for my awesomeness, Microsoft. Do try again later.

Yeah, Linux is a chore, so many easier ways to fix things up.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fuck you too, Microsoft

Yeah, my copy of XP is suddenly invalid. And people wonder why I never reboot my computer.

Fuck you Microsoft, I'm going linux. See you at Windows 7, if ever.

Mafia != Sense

Things that are (apparently) bad things to do in mafia:
Agree with Steven
Role claim, even in the face of lynching
Revenge vote

This game may be fun, but it isn't logical, and that bothers me.

Revenge voting on day one makes sense to me - no other reason to vote, after all.

Role claiming when one is about to be lynched makes sense to me - damned if you dom damned if you don't, so why the hell not.

Agreeing with Steven - Yeah, no idea whats up with that one.


2009 - A job hunting oddessy

So yeah, Mum is in town, hes been on my case. About what? Oh, only about everything. You know, nothing major.

But thats what parents are for right?

Anyway, I spent most of the day today going places, leaving CVs, and sending emails out to various companies who might be the slightest bit interested in hiring a student who if fervently trying to avoid a career in the fast food industry.

It all seemed a little pedantic really. Leaving CV's in shops that were hiring and had no intention to do so any time soon, and sending my CV and cover letter to any available email address listed for IT company's listed in the Yellow Pages....from 2007.

But damn me to hell if it didn't pay off. Within an hour I had a response from one company, which looks like a very tempting offer. Hopefully I will be meeting with them tomorrow to work something out.

TL;DR - Parents nagging is useful....sometimes.

The beginning of nothing of note

This is where I posts random shit that interests me. I rage here, I muse here, I get bored and post random crap here. Feel free to lurk and comment and disagree. This is my outlet. Another unimportant blog in a sea of unimportant blogs.
