Monday, August 31, 2009

Tonight, Mafia history was made.

For it was tonight, that it was decided that we would bring a round of mafia to its knees.

It was tonight that it was decided that the players should not fear their Mod. It is the Mod that should fear the players.

And it was tonight that a failure of a mod would pay for her sins against the game.

She can replace us, but it still means that the game is over.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mafia is Awesome

{{To the tune of the song from the Discovery Channel Commercial: }}

I love the lynches.
I love the bandwagons.
I love the role claims.
And the mind f'kery.
I love the whole game,
And all the messed up roles.
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda

I love the fakeclaims
And all the lies and stuff.
I love the mafia.
I love the bastardmods.
I love the whole game,
And everyone who plays.
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda

I love the counterclaims.
I love the Night Actions.
I love suspicions,
And paranoia.
I love the whole game,
And all its foolishness
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda

I love the Inventor.
I love the Dreaming God.
I love the Arsonist.
I love the Godfather.
I love the whole game,
And it's uncertainty.
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda
Boom De Yadda

Mafia is awesome.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Ramblings of a boring Enterprise Systems lab.

What follows is the contents of the last few pages of my Enterprise Systems notebook. It started during a short period of quiet self-study, and contibued for the rest of the lab. It basically started out as me trying to clear my head of a song or three I had stuck in my head, but it slowly became a free writing exercise type thing, where anything that popped in my head, triggered by class or otherwise, went down on paper.

This was the result. Decided to post here since it turned out interestingly. That is, interesting to me. This blog isn't supposed to be relevant to the rest of you 8D

I believe the sun should never set upon an arguement,
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands.

I've never felt miserable.
I've never felt like thinking this would last forever.

I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend.
You could cut ties with all the lies you've been living in.
And, if you do not want too see me again
I would understand~

How can the sky look down at the countless dramas and remain unchanged?

We are all Mirrors that reflect each other's Karma.

I'm right here. You can reach out and touch me, in this patch of light intended for one.

We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye. But who'll here the echoes of stories never told? Let them ring, out loud, 'till they unfold.

//This is where it starts straying from its purpose.

Better safe than sorry.


I can't remember, the last time I thanked you.
Keeping my distance unintentionally.

Why does love, do this to me? I don't know, I don't know.

Here we are, going far, to save all that we love,
If we give what we got, we will make it through.

The cake is a lie.

The game.


CRY SOME MORE...heh, cry some more.

Jenny, oh Jenny. Joy, oh Joy.
A one woman mans what I wanna be, but theres two perfect girls for me.
//Good lord, pokemon references. Good god was I bored.

Jen-ocide. Hah. Brilliant.
//This was prompted by a references to mass killings made by the professor.

So whatever happened to Chivalry anyway?
Am I the only one who still holds to it's principles?

Damned Spawncampers.

I don't even know where to start with you.
I mean, do you even know who you are talkin' to?
Do you have any idea, any idea, who I am?


This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here:

But it isn't, really. I am such a coward.
About some things, at least.

LOLPython iz teh bestest language to code in.

And time is up. //Silent study was over, decided to stop writing.

Naaah. Not finished yet. //Quickly changed my mind 8D

Alter can take his Work System and shove it up his ass for all I care.
I like this.

Jen-ocide, again.
Still stuck on this, obviously.

I don't know why I am still stuck on that quip.
It wasn't particularly extraordinary, really. Funny, but punny.
For all my wise quotes, I still can't pick my own psyche apart.

I don't make sense to me.

Survivor Mafia. Outtalk, Outthink, Outlynch.

First one marble dropped, and then another.
In this single spot of sunshine, only one remains.

I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeah.
Between the good and bad's where you'll find me, reaching for heaven.

No Kings, or Gods.
Only Men.

You know that I've seen better days.

I'm standing on this tiny ledge
before this goes over the edge
gonna use my heart and not my head.

Maybe I should finish the story of the Hundred.
Writing the conflicts between Chivalry and Lust was oh so much fun.
Maybe for NaNoWriMo.


Jen-ocide. AGAIN. God.

I'm so confused.

Whoo. Take that, teach. Pwnd. Sit down.
//I love catching professors contradicting themselves.

Two Wrongs don't make a Right, but two Wrights do make a plane.
And three Rights do make a Left.

Four pages of crap, and I'm not even done yet.

That spy isn't one of our spies!


They're going to have to glue you back together....IN HELL.

The AC is on too cold. I'm freezing here.

Creation of value from information - dead easy.
Knoweldge is power.

My kind of power.

And I discover that my castle stands
upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand.

The internet is just a series of tubes.
We needz moar tubes.

I think this belongs on my blog when I get home. Shit doesn't get more irrelevant than this.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Jesus Christ. I knew I needed a job. But it only truly sunk in a moment ago.

The reason for this revelatation?

Do you see that? I have been attending AUT for a little over one semester now, and I am already over eight thousand dollars in debt. Now that is a sober relisation, let me tell you.

The problem isn't the course fees. It isn't the text books, it isn't the stationary. It's bloody bureaucracy. No, you see, the problem is my Living Costs.

I am not eligible for a Student Allowance. Regardless of the fact I don't see a cent from them, the fact that my parents make a nice buck living in Thailand disqualifies me. I could get the money, if I were slightly more corrupt - it would be as easy as getting an NZ tax statement saying that my parents make no money and claiming that they are retired. However, I am unwilling to lie to get this money, regardless of how many other people in my exact situation do so.

So, I am living off what is known as Student Living Costs. This is money that StudyLink give to students on a weekly basis to get them through. I have been livivng off the $160 a week this provides for a semester now. The catch is - all of the money awarded for Living Costs goes onto the loan, and must be paid back some day.

As you can see, it stacks up fairly quickly. In fact, at this rate, given my planned 4 years of study, I'll be looking at a loan in excess of sixty five thousand dollars. I can't accept that.

I thought that I was going to be fine with that. But seeing that figure sitting there, it makes me realise that I am going to be in some serious shit if it continues for any longer.

So, I have two options. First is to get in touch with Work and Income and go on the dole. I don't really want to do this, you know - I can't help but think it wouldn't be a nice feeling. Realistically, it is no different to what I am doing now, but the critical difference is I wouldn't have to pay it back. But at the same time, this is taking government money, money that I'd rather see to go people who need it more desperatley than I.

Secondly, I could try harder to find a job. I have been trying thus far, but it has been somewhat half-hearted - I've been firing my CV at tech retailers and anywhere I think I might enjoy working, but no luck. So, I need to cast my net a little wider. As much as I have been trying to avoid it, I would even stoop to fast food, having seen this. A no holds barred, full on, crazed job search.

A month from now, I'll either have a job, or I'll be going on the dole. Because this, as it stands, can't go on.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dear Ms. Eevee,

Now that the thread has locked, I think I am going to post my final thoughts here. After all, this blog serves as my sword, when the original media is denied.

Congratulations. You value honesty above all else. That's cute. That is noble. It really is.

I hate to break it to you hun, but life doesn't work like that. It really doesn't. If everyone knew what everyone else thought about them, our society would collapse. If everyone aired their little griefs to the world, we would never get anything done. We would be too busy arguing, fighting, and waging war.

I understand why you like to know. Truth be told, I like to know what people think of me as well. But you see, the way I solve this, is by simply asking people. Sure, some lie, giving me the sugar coated version. But there will always be someone who will tell me straight, and will tell me what is said about me behind closed doors. Its an elegant solution, I think - I find out what I want to know, and it keeps the garbage dump that is public opinion from fouling up the smell of the whole neighbourhood.

In truth, it doesn't matter what you prefer. It doesn't matter what you say, what you do, or how much you protest against it - people will talk behind eachothers backs. And you know what? That's fine. It been happening for hundreds upon hundreds of years all over the world, and I'd say it's worked out pretty well so far.

Now, you have said that a few people have left the forums as a result of this. Now, I am going to go out on a limb here and assume that these were CCC people, as I have not seen any people whom I note disappear recently. I am guessing that for them, these 'chinese whispers' amount to cyber bullying right? Well, to be callous about it, they should harden up, or the real world is going to catch them by surprise and knock them on their asses.

As I said in an earlier thread post, office politics is the same effect, but multiplied by a magnitude of ten, and can actually affect your employment status. You said that you don't understad why anyone would get angry with someone for telling the truth. Reality Check - the truth is very often hurtful to the person you are telling it to. If you tell your boss you think he is a micromanaging prick, he will fire you. And he will be totally justified in doing so. That's life.

At any rate, I consider this to be an internal CCC matter - talk to them about it. I may be Just Another Fucking Aucklander, but at least us Aucklanders don't drive people away with our closed doors chats.

Now, to address a major point.

"i have condescended to no one". This statement here was what really did my head in. I don't know if you realised, but your tone throughout this entire thread has been naught but condecending. Regardless of your intent, you gave the appearance of looking down on this country, and its inhabitants. It wasn't the pointing out of these flaws that you see, it was the manner in which you did it. Whether or not you intended it, your air of superiority had many people grinding their teeth.

Added to the fact that I have lived in many places in the world, and my observations run directly counter to yours, the effect was that the thread was simply unbearable.

Your ideas are nice, cute, idillic and noble. They are also completly and utterly unrealistic, and they do not work in the real world.

One day, you will actually get out into the real world and live as an adult. It is on that day the world itself will prove me right.


P.S. Kiki-chan - I don't know, and I don't care. Her history has no bearing on how offensive she is being.