So. Last weekend was when Auckland Armageddon. If you don't know that already, then who are you and how did you find my little corner of internet? 8D
The entire weekend was a blast. I was cosplaying as the Blue Spy from Team Fortress 2. First off, huge props to Sylvie for making the suit, it is perfect. And even more thanks to Jess for making the mask - it ended up being much better than I had dared to hope. Between your efforts, the costume was brilliant, and I have you both to thank for it.
The amount of recognition my costume received was truly staggering. I mean, I expected some, but I literally couldn't walk around for more than five minutes without hearing "Spy 'round here!" or "That spy's sappin' mah sentry". Constantly getting stopped for photos should have been irritating, but I instead found it quite gratifying, even if the compliments on the costume were ultimatley misplaced. And I'll tell you what, if I wasn't very good at the knife taunt at the start of the weekend, I was certainly an expert by the end.
And naturally, CNZ shined in the cosplay scene, though there were a number of good'uns that were apparently not among our number. I won't bother detailing all of it - that has been done to death, on the forums and elsewhere. However, I do feel that I need to mention Clan Biscuit. Their contest entries were staggering - I was literally at a loss for words, and those of you who know me well know just how rare this is. Best Group and Best Skit, and both very well-earned. Good job you three - I know you all put a helluva lot of work into your costumes, and it is good to see your hard work paying off. The beautiful rose, the blooming wildflower and the "God of Love" (I still snort with laughter every time the though of Alex as the God of Love crosses my mind). Just brilliant.
The convention itself was excellent - the move to a bigger venue was a very good choice - rough estimates put attendance over the 40,000 mark, and it was very full at peak times - there was no chance the Aotea center could have handled it. The selection of stalls was very good, even if the number of anime-related stalls seemed less than last year. I wholeheartedly approve of the inclusion of a proper Artists Alley this year - it has been the only thing consistently missing for a while now.
However, this year I think the highlight of the convention (cosplay aside) was the R18 gaming section. I pity you poor souls who could not get in - the chance to get a sneak-peek and play at Assassin's Creed II, Left4Dead2 and Borderlands was bloody brilliant, and has strengthened my resolve to buy all three games. And on top of that, the 3D gaming tech-demo (Avatar: The Game I think it was) was breathtaking. I hadn't yet seen that in action, so I had no idea the technology had come so far. It is a crime shame that such a setup would cost over 9000 dollars.
The event was slightly marred by unfortunate happenings of various causes and caliber, but that is only natural. None of it detracted from the sheer amount of FUN I had this weekend. It is all a bit of a blur really - I have genuine difficulty placing the various moments I remember on a timeline, and even remember which day they happened on. A bit of a stimulus overload, my brain is fried.
Once again, AuckGeddon was one hell of an event. I can only say this - thank god it is only once a year, else we might just all die of exhaustion.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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